19th Annual Roadshow Of South African Tourism In Kolkata

19th Annual Roadshow Of South African Tourism In Kolkata

19th Annual Roadshow Of South African Tourism In Kolkata


Neliswa Nkani, Hub Head, MEISEA, South African Tourism graced the 19th edition of the annual roadshow of South African Tourism.

India continues to remain one of the focus key markets for South African Tourism. Cities like Kolkata, Chennai, and Hyderabad are showing great growth. India has moved up two spots to become the 6th largest international source market for South Africa.

South African Tourism launched the second leg of the More & More campaign for engaging with the audience in selected regions in India with local content.

Nkani highlighted that South African Tourism targets a 72% increase in arrivals from India in 2023. She also highlighted that Kolkata is expected to emerge as one of the fastest-growing source markets from India. Travelers from Kolkata visit South Africa for leisure, business, and VFR.

Stop-over flights that are available for travelers from India to South Africa are Emirates, Qatar Airways, Kenya Airways, Air Seychelles, and Ethiopian Airlines.

South African Tourism will be conducting roadshows in Chennai, Hyderabad, and Mumbai between the 13th to 16th of February.

For more details, visit: www.southafrica.net

Priyanka Dutta

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