Aashirvaad Svasti To Supply Vitamin Rich Milk to Underprivileged Children in Kolkata

Aashirvaad Svasti To Supply Vitamin Rich Milk to Underprivileged Children in Kolkata

Aashirvaad Svasti To Supply Vitamin Rich Milk to Underprivileged Children in Kolkata


Aashirvaad Svasti has committed to supply its vitamin-fortified milk to underprivileged children in Kolkata. Aashirvaad Svasti will distribute its milk through the network of three NGOs – Save the Children, Hope Kolkata Foundation and SOS Children’s Village India that have a wide reach among orphanages and poor households in Kolkata. The Vitamin A fortified Aashirvaad Svasti Milk will be supplied until the declared lockdown period.

ITC Foods had started vitamin fortification of its milk in December 2019. Vitamin fortification in milk is one of the effective ways to address related deficiencies, especially in children while enabling them to receive their daily vitamin requirement. Vitamin A is a very essential micronutrient and is known for supporting immune system among children.

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