Acropolis Mall Reopens After 80 Days of Lock Down

Acropolis Mall Reopens After 80 Days of Lock Down

Acropolis Mall Reopens After 80 Days of Lock Down


Acropolis Mall reopened after 80 days of lock down with much gusto and enthusiasm. Over 6000 people frequented the mall on the opening day which has been considered quite a good response after lock down. Over 60% of brands opened on the first day after lock down and others will reopen after their staff can come after railway and metro starts.

Some of the busiest brands are Shoppers Stop (anchor store), Spencer’s, Little Shop, Only, Caratlane, Imagine and Burger King in food court.

Following safety rules have been ensured:

Safety measures:

Please give safety measures adhered by Acropolis Mall

  • People have to wash their hands at the wash basin installed at the periphery of Acropolis Mall with skin friendly liquid hand wash.
  • Thermal screening is being done.  People having body temp of more than 100 degree Celsius will not be allowed to enter into the mall.
  • People have to wear masks
  • Metal detectors installed at the entry point to ensure safety of mall and customers
  • Big bags are not allowed inside the mall.
  • Children below 10 years of age and adults above 65 years of age will not be allowed to enter.
  • We are adhering to the guidelines issued by both state and central govt. The entire mall is being cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis. We adhered to disinfection protocol issued by the authority.
  • We have protocol in place to isolate employees and customers if symptomatic
  • Posters highlighting the Covid symptoms are installed in many places in the mall including BOH (Back of the house) and parking area.
  • Doors to remain open in all areas of mall, shops, to avoid people touching.
  • PPE Kit for all employees of shops who handle customers and at the (BOH) Back of House area, etc
  • Cashless transaction facility is available at Parking and Food Court area.
  • Security personnel beefed up for supervising and careful monitoring – to ensure adherence of social distancing. The movement of guests will be monitored through CCTV cameras.
  • Car Sanitisation facilities are there.
  • Regular meeting being done with the shop managers for strictly implementing Covid protocols.

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