AdGuru Josy Paul Led An Amazing Workshop On Building Brands

AdGuru Josy Paul Led An Amazing Workshop On Building Brands

AdGuru Josy Paul Led An Amazing Workshop On Building Brands

Josy Paul, Chairman of BBDO India led an amazing workshop titled AdGuru Josy Unplugged.

Josy Paul was welcomed with a flower bouquet and a gift from the fashion brand Dashobhuja.


Josy Paul is well known for his award-winning work on Ariel’s Share the Load and Whisper’s Touch the Pickle. At the workshop, he shared techniques for developing great brands with the attendees.

Speaking at the workshop, he said “I am not an AdGuru. I am still a student who is learning new things daily. Failure is a fuel that helps one achieve success in life. Failure helps one to understand where they are going wrong and they can propel themselves easily forward”.


There were two parts of this workshop. The format was interactive with lively discussions and hands-on activities.

They organized this workshop to give the attendees a detailed understanding of how they can create memorable brands.


The event saw the presence of industry experts and enthusiasts. They were all enriched at the end of this amazing session.

Priyanka Dutta

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