Awareness About Hepatitis Helps In Better Prevention

Awareness About Hepatitis Helps In Better Prevention

Awareness About Hepatitis Helps In Better Prevention

Healthcare professionals unite on World Hepatitis Day to spread awareness of the disease, which affects millions of people globally and is a quiet but serious health hazard. This year, the emphasis is on raising awareness of the global epidemic and the value of early identification, preventive measures, and accessible therapies.

Hepatitis is the term for a liver inflammation typically brought on by viral infections. The most common types of hepatitis are A, B, C, D, and E. If these infections are not treated, they may result in cirrhosis, liver cancer, or even significant liver damage.

Dr. Vivek Mohan Sharma, Consultant Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist, Narayana Hospital, Kolkata said “Because it frequently shows no symptoms, hepatitis is known as the silent disease. We underline the need for early detection and prevention on this World Hepatitis Day. Immunizations and routine screenings are essential in the fight against this illness. At Narayana Hospital, our dedication lies in spreading knowledge and offering all-encompassing medical care to individuals impacted. Our mission is to raise public awareness of the value of preventative healthcare practices since they can save lives and avert serious liver problems. When we band together, we can significantly impact the hepatitis epidemic”.

The first line of defense against hepatitis is raising awareness. Because the condition is frequently asymptomatic, many people are unaware they are sick. Campaigns for public education are essential to educating the public about the dangers, means of transmission, and importance of routine medical exams.

Controlling the spread of hepatitis requires taking important preventive actions. Hepatitis A and B vaccinations are available, offering reliable protection. Other crucial safety measures include using sterile medical or cosmetic equipment, keeping oneself clean, and having safe sexual relations.

It’s always preferable to prevent than to cure. Frequent screening can result in early discovery and effective treatment, particularly for high-risk patients. A nutritious diet, cutting back on drinking, and refraining from sharing needles are just a few examples of lifestyle changes that can dramatically lower the spread of hepatitis infection.

Hepatitis can now be effectively treated because of advances in medical research. Antiviral drugs have the potential to treat the illness, control the virus, and shield the liver from harm. Achieving successful results still requires early intervention.

Priyanka Dutta

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