Creative Chat Program Unwind Offers A Great Educational Atmosphere

The leading education provider in Eastern India, Techno India Group, has started a run of creative chat programs called Unwind-Boi Kotha Kow as part of its ongoing mission to offer students of all disciplines a holistic educational atmosphere. Unwind’s idea is somewhat reminiscent of The Human Library. In 2000, a group called The Human Library launched a movement in Copenhagen, Denmark. By facilitating conversations with people they might not ordinarily interact with, it tries to combat people’s preconceptions. The company compares lending people to renting books by using the example of a library.
A monthly chat show with a twist will be called Unwind. Each presentation, which will take place in the comfortable surroundings of the Techno India campus, will include a specialist who will respond to inquiries from the moderator and the audience of students. Unwind will give students and aspiring professionals the chance to interact with and learn from veterans and experts in their respective fields.
The first chapter of Unwind featured Dr Pradeep Vyas, IFS (Retd), Vigilance Commissioner, State Vigilance Commission, West Bengal &eminent environmentalist and ex-forest official. He was in conversation with Shiladitya Chaudhury, Communication Consultant, Wildlife Photographer and restaurateur, and Prof Manoshi Roychowdhury, Co-Chairperson, of Techno India Group.
The discussion was lively, with several students from Techno India College and University questioning Dr. Vyas with a variety of inquiries about the crucial and timely topics of environment and wildlife management, which he took just as enthusiastically as they did.
Priyanka Dutta