Desun Hospital Adds A New Feather With Tricuspid Valve Replacement

Desun Hospital Adds A New Feather With Tricuspid Valve Replacement

Desun Hospital Adds A New Feather With Tricuspid Valve Replacement

Desun Hospital has successfully treated a complex cardiac condition and released Ananya Sen (name changed), a young woman who underwent a difficult and drawn-out medical trip spanning several hospitals. This is a wonderful medical success story. Due to Ananya’s complicated medical condition, she needed several complex treatments, such as a permanent pacemaker implant and tricuspid valve replacement.

Ananya had her first operation, a valve replacement and pacemaker implantation, in Bangalore. Nevertheless, issues surfaced when the valve clogged. Her care team faced a major problem when the occlusion did not go away even after multiple attempts at thrombolysis and reoperation.

Dr. Soumya Guha, a consultant cardiothoracic surgeon, and his team performed a highly complicated procedure—a double redo or triple sternotomy—after she was referred to Desun Hospital. This required removing the clogged valve and replacing it with a bio-prosthetic valve while retaining the external pacing device in its entirety. Because of its complexity, the surgery required exact planning and sophisticated surgical skills.

“Ananya’s case was exceptionally complicated, demanding careful planning and skillful execution. We’re happy to report that the procedure went well and that we gave her a long-lasting and practical answer. These incidents demonstrate our commitment to providing the best care possible and guaranteeing the well-being of our patients” said Dr. Guha.

Ananya’s experience serves as a testament to the highly skilled medical staff at Desun Hospital and their constant commitment to patient care. Her story is a compelling illustration of the significant contribution that knowledgeable medical treatment and fortitude can make to overcome serious medical obstacles.

Priyanka Dutta

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