Great Turnup Of Students On International Yoga Day At St. Joan’s School

Great Turnup Of Students On International Yoga Day At St. Joan’s School

Great Turnup Of Students On International Yoga Day At St. Joan’s School

On International Yoga Day, St. Joan’s School highlighted the value of practicing yoga for harmony and well-being.

Yoga is more than just a practice at St Joan’s School; it’s an integral part of the curriculum. Since the school opened its doors more than 15 years ago, yoga has been incorporated into the curriculum for pupils as young as 2. The school’s long-standing dedication is a testament to its philosophy in promoting both physical and emotional well-being.

Every year, on the Annual Sports Day, students get the chance to demonstrate their increasing skill and commitment to yoga, which is a testament to their diligence and the beneficial effects of this discipline.

This year, to mark International Yoga Day, the school has selected 110 young yogis to perform.


The asanas they showcased were: Anulom Vilom (Breathing exercise), Kapalabhati Pranayam (Breathing exercise), Padmasan (Meditation pose), Matsyasan (Fish pose), Vajrasan (Diamond pose), Ustrasan (Camel Pose), Badhakonasan (Butterfly pose), Dhanurasan (Bow pose), Apanasan (Knee to chest pose), Setu Bandhasan (Bridge Pose), Vrikshasan (Tree Pose) and Parvatasan (Seated Mountain Pose).

St. Joan’s School highlighted that yoga is about cultivating a balanced and harmonious existence rather than just physical exercise. It imparts resilience, inner serenity, and mindfulness—qualities that are essential in the fast-paced world of today.

Priyanka Dutta

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