Innovate UK Brings 15 Innovative UK Companies To Kolkata

Innovate UK Brings 15 Innovative UK Companies To Kolkata

Innovate UK Brings 15 Innovative UK Companies To Kolkata

The UK’s innovation agency, Innovate UK, wrapped up its “Global Business Innovation Programme” with a two-day visit to Kolkata in association with the British Deputy High Commission and industry partner FICCI. Businesses providing Net Zero solutions for issues like heating and cooling, mobility, energy, the circular economy, resource measurement and management (e.g., water, waste, air), citizen engagement, sustainable behavior change, and resilience to natural shocks were included in this initiative, which focused on “Urban Systems”.

India needs creative solutions because of its thriving innovation environment, aspirational vision, and quickly expanding population. Water, power, sanitation, and affordable housing are examples of infrastructure that needs to be upgraded. This presents chances for socially beneficial solutions that can tap into sizable emerging markets.

The delegation visited Kolkata and Chennai, two metropolitan cities facing similar sustainability and resilience challenges. Both cities are part of India’s 100 Smart Cities mission, which aims to address the challenges and opportunities of urbanization over the next 30 years as 400 million people move to urban areas.

Innovate UK introduced 15 UK-based disruptive innovations, showcasing them to the Indian ecosystem and exploring collaboration and global expansion opportunities. These innovations cover areas such as air and surface purification, renewable energy, energy storage, disaster management, insect farming, EV safety, net-zero construction, community engagement, eco-friendly packaging, solar heating, urban green infrastructure, and water tech.

During their two-day visit to Kolkata (July 25–26, 2024), the companies hosted by the West Bengal Pollution Control Board and New Town Kolkata Development Authority, facilitated a Business to Business networking event with over 100 Indian delegates, with support from FICCI. The purpose of the visit was to explore how these technologies could support the state’s urbanization and Smart Cities Vision.

Through this event, they can promote prosperity and address some of the most pressing issues facing society by bringing together businesses and other organizations from the UK and India.

By facilitating connections between Indian partners and collaborators and UK enterprises, Innovate UK is dedicated to fostering long-term collaborations that will accelerate economic progress in both nations.

Priyanka Dutta

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