Nava Nalanda Organized Musical Event To Celebrate 161st Birthday Of Rabindranath Tagore

On the 161st birthday of Rabindranath Tagore, Nava Nalanda High School organized Rabindra Jayanti.
The Rabindra Jayanti celebrations took place on the boulevard beside the school premises.
Students from the school, ex-students of the school, teachers, and eminent artists participated in this event to pay tribute to Tagore on his birthday.
Recitation and songs were performed by Pranati Thakur, Bratati Bandopadhyay, Shovon Sundar Basu, Prabuddha Raha, Sutapa Bandopadhyay, Alok Ray Chowdhury, Chandrabali Rudra Dutta, Shirsha Ray, Arina Mukhopadhyay, Aditi Gupta, and many others.
However, due to the adverse weather conditions, the event could not be completed as per the schedule. Principal, Arijit Mitra said that they will soon organize the event with full gusto.
Priyanka Dutta