Screening of Film Every 68 Minutes Organized; Film Focuses on Deaths Due To Dowry in India

Screening of Film Every 68 Minutes Organized; Film Focuses on Deaths Due To Dowry in India

Screening of Film Every 68 Minutes Organized; Film Focuses on Deaths Due To Dowry in India


A screening of the film Every 68 Minutes was organized recently in the presence of director Anindita Sarbadhicari, Richa Sharma, Imran Zaki and others.

The screening was followed by a press meet of the film.


The film shows that every 68 minutes a daughter in India is murdered or compelled to take their lives for dowry. 21 deaths are reported across India daily. The short film shows the abuse and torment of a young woman. The film showcases the dark avenues of Indian marriages and the fight of justice versus social malaise.

The cast of the film consists of Adil Hussain, Tota Roy Chowdhury, Bharat Kaul, Laboni Sarkar, Chandan Sen, Titas Dutta, Asmita Kar and others.


Richa Sharma plays the role of the tormented young woman in the film. “I feel terrible even to think about all those women who go through such hardships in their lives. It is very important for parents to understand what their daughters are going through and not ask them to adjust in an unhappy marriage. Otherwise this fate cannot be averted and many more women will be subjected to such fate” said the actress.


The concept of the film is by Lal Bhatia and Imran Zaki. The music has been composed by Bickram Ghosh. Ujjaini has sung the only song in the movie titled Suno na Papa.

Imran Zaki said “We will be showing the film at different schools and colleges so that the youngsters can be educated about such ill things happening in our society. Men as well as women need to take preventive steps or else this number will not go down”.


The DOP of the film is Manas Ganguly and the editor is Arghyakamal Mitra.

The film has been produced by David and Goliath Films & Adil Hussain.

The film was the inaugural film at the recently held Global Cinema Festival 2020 in Sikkim.

Priyanka Dutta

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