Show and Tell Celebrated Third Birthday With Interesting Activities

Show and Tell Celebrated Third Birthday With Interesting Activities

Show and Tell Celebrated Third Birthday With Interesting Activities


Show and Tell (SnT) is a group of women who lead by example of encouraging other women to lead their lives irrespective of their flaws. To take charge of one’s life and do what makes one happy has been their motto since the day of inception. Mili Deb the founder admin started this journey with very few ladies. Suparna Bharadwaj, the only moderator joined the group later as the SnT expands with more than 4000 members. This year SNT celebrated its 3rd birthday.

The team not only encourages the women to share their thoughts but also practice what they preach. All the women feel free to showcase their talents irrespective of their imperfections in this group.

Through the SnT Facebook page/ group, the members showcase their talents through live sessions and others encourage them by participating in those sessions. The group also has scheduled days for different activities, where one can earn their living by doing business and can also share their day-to-day activities without any hesitation.  Doing a normal business to posting a picture, the group and the members are acceptant towards everything which makes one happy.

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