16th Annual Day Of SCIS Celebrated With An Amazing Event

16th Annual Day Of SCIS Celebrated With An Amazing Event

16th Annual Day Of SCIS Celebrated With An Amazing Event

With great excitement, South City International School commemorated its 16th Annual Day. Students from different grades displayed their talents in a lively demonstration of creativity and commitment. Numerous acts were showcased at the event, showcasing the students’ dedication and hard work. Excitement was in the air on the school campus as parents, instructors, and students came together to commemorate this momentous milestone. In addition to showcasing the accomplishments of the students, the Annual Day promoted pride and togetherness among the entire school community.

By inducting 30 boys as SCIS Men of Honor, South City International School made a substantial advancement amid persistent worries about the safety of women. These students made a serious commitment to protect women’s dignity for the rest of their lives. The program also included an engaging drama written by the kids themselves, called Echoes of Gaia, The Quantum Chronology. Approximately 650 kids from classes III through XII participated in this presentation, which highlighted the school’s enormous skill and inventiveness.

Mr. Juan Clar, Public Diplomacy Officer, U.S. Consulate General in Kolkata, Dr. Sabyasachi Siddhanta, a prominent scientist at CERN, and Satyarup Siddhanta, a world-record-holding mountaineer and motivational speaker, Ms. Satabdi Bhattacharjee, Principal of South City International School, graced the event.

The 16th Annual Day at South City International School was an unforgettable occasion that highlighted the school’s dedication to significant societal ideals while also showcasing the abilities of the students. Dr. Sabyasachi Siddhanta and Satyarup Siddhanta’s inspirational presence inspired the students to pursue their objectives with tenacity and honesty. A major step was also taken by South City International School to support women’s safety, demonstrating their commitment to fostering an environment that is respectful and safe for everyone. After the occasion, it was evident that the school was still producing responsible people who were ready to give back to the community.

Dr. Sabyasachi Siddhanta, Scientist at CERN said, “Seeing the performances made me nostalgic for my time in school and brought back memories of the excitement and joy I experienced there. The amazing ability and inventiveness on exhibit were motivating. I urged the pupils to treasure these times since they lay the groundwork for their future achievements. I wished them success and encouraged them to keep working hard and passionately toward their goals. All of them have great futures ahead of them”.

Mr. Satyarup Siddhanta, a world record-holding mountaineer said, “The students’ performances were incredibly endearing, and their skill demonstrated both their promise and inventiveness. These flashes of genius, in my opinion, were only the beginning of what they could accomplish. I sent them my best wishes for continuing success as they honed their abilities and followed their goals. I urged them to never lose heart, to work hard, and to never undervalue the significance of their accomplishments. Their future achievements would be built on the dedication and zeal they demonstrated, and I was confident that they could all achieve great things”.

The occasion demonstrated the pupils’ extraordinary potential and the encouraging atmosphere the school worked hard to establish.

Priyanka Dutta

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