25 Daring Women Felicitated At Breast Cancer Champions Meet

25 Daring Women Felicitated At Breast Cancer Champions Meet

25 Daring Women Felicitated At Breast Cancer Champions Meet

About 25% to 32% of all malignancies in Indian women are breast cancers. To increase awareness of the condition, October has been designated as Breast Cancer Month. Communities, businesses, and individuals unite during this month to express solidarity with the thousands of people afflicted by breast cancer.

Through a “Breast Cancer Champions Meet”, Medica Superspecialty Hospital honored the resilience of women who have overcome breast cancer or are valiantly battling the disease in honor of Breast Cancer Month. Dr. Pooja Agarwal, Medica Superspecialty Hospital’s Consultant of Surgical Oncology (Breast Surgery), gave insightful advice about recognizing early signs and knowing when to get medical help during the event. She also stressed the value of social and familial support for patients battling the illness, which is in line with the World Health Organization’s theme this year: “No one should face breast cancer alone”. 


The seminar was expertly mediated by Ms. Arunima Datta, a psycho-oncologist from Medica Superspecialty Hospital.

To celebrate their inspirational journeys, some 25 patients and survivors participated.

Dr. Pooja Agarwal said, “Breast cancer treatment necessitates combining medical knowledge with a dedication to self-care. For this reason, we aim for individualized care as well as precise diagnosis, staging, and treatment. A multidisciplinary team is in charge of coordinating every step, whether it be therapy or surgery, to achieve the greatest outcomes. For a better life, patient involvement, self-care, healthy eating, and emotional support are equally important. Family and friends’ support is essential since it provides sufferers with the mental fortitude to combat the illness. Among the main causes of this trend are low awareness and cultural influences. Early detection is essential, and women over 40 should get a mammography yearly. Younger people should also undergo routine self-breast examinations”.


The doctors and the survivors all stressed that only by being aware can this disease be curbed at the earliest.

Priyanka Dutta

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