25th Kargil Vijay Divas Observed; Excellent Tribute To Martyrs

25th Kargil Vijay Divas Observed; Excellent Tribute To Martyrs

25th Kargil Vijay Divas Observed; Excellent Tribute To Martyrs

The ALLEN Career Institute in Kolkata hosted a magnificent Shaurya Vandan program to honor the valiant troops and their families who gave their lives in defense of the country. The chief guest of the occasion was Subedar Major Honorary Captain Yogendra Singh Yadav, recipient of the Param Veer Chakra.

By honoring the families of the martyrs, the program began. In remembrance of the martyrs’ sacrifice, Captain Yadav said, “The nation advances because we are safe. We have this security because of our brave troops who have risked their lives for it. We must never forget what they gave up and never fail to thank their families”.

Captain Yadav inspired the students and said, “Respecting the army is respecting the nation.” Students should be committed to helping the country prosper, just as soldiers fight for their country. In your studies, set objectives and put forth the effort to meet them”.

ALLEN Career Institute Private Limited hosted the Shaurya Vandan program in honor of the families of the martyrs from Kolkata and the surrounding areas who lost their lives in the Kargil War. This was done in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of Kargil Vijay.

The family members of Shahid Purba Tamang, Shahid Lincon Pradhan, Shahid Suresh Chhetri, Shahid Nageshwar Mahto, and Shahid Birsa Oraon were present.

A certificate of honor and Rs. 11,000 cheques were given to each family. A moving environment was created as the families shared their experiences as well. Students in attendance gave the martyrs a standing ovation and salute as a sign of respect.

In the program, Param Vir Chakra winner Yogendra Yadav, Director Rajesh Maheshwari, Senior faculty Anurag Mishra, Sanjay Gaur, and Center Head Debashish Sanyal honored the families by paying obeisance to the martyrs. 

A great initiative indeed.

Priyanka Dutta

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