3 New Programs At Techno India University

3 New Programs At Techno India University

3 New Programs At Techno India University

Three cutting-edge programs that have been co-curated at Techno India University have been launched, thanks to a partnership between Techno India Group and Google Cloud.

The goal of these initiatives is to provide the upcoming generation of IT sector innovators and disruptors more power. The AI Unite Hackathon finals were held after the launch, and the winners received large financial prizes.

Representatives from Google India

1) Ketan Parekh | Regional Head
2) Kommineni Sriswetha | Program Manager

Representatives from Techno India Group

1) Prof. Manoshi Roychowdhury
2) Meghdut Roychowdhury

Great courses for the students indeed.

Priyanka Dutta

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