Acropolis Mall Installed Fire Fighting Kiosk With Rescue Equipment

Acropolis Mall Installed Fire Fighting Kiosk With Rescue Equipment

Acropolis Mall Installed Fire Fighting Kiosk With Rescue Equipment


Acropolis Mall has installed a state-of-the-art Fire fighting kiosk with rescue equipment in keeping with its commitment to the advisory to Indian institute of Architect issued by West Bengal Fire & Emergency Services. The Fire fighting Kiosk houses 4 nos of 4.5 kg C02 Extinguishers, 4 nos of 4.5 kg ABC Type Extinguishers, 2 nos of Ceiling Hook, 4 nos of  Lock Cutter, 2 nos of 14 pound hammer, 2 nos of Crowbar, 1 no of Insulated Axe, 2 nos of  Stretcher, 2 nos of  Smoke Hood, 2 nos of Torchlight, and Sand buckets in addition to inbuilt fire suppression and detection system already available in Acropolis in terms with Sec 11 C of the West Bengal Fire Servies Act, 1950.

Shri Jag Mohan, IPS, Director General, West Bengal Fire & Emergency Services inaugurated the first Fire fighting Kiosk with rescue equipment in presence of Sushil Mohta, Chairman, Merlin Group and other officials of West Bengal Fire & Emergency Services and officials of Acropolis Mall.

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