Three Day Exhibition Nachiketa 2020 Inaugurated In Kolkata

Three Day Exhibition Nachiketa 2020 Inaugurated In Kolkata

Three Day Exhibition Nachiketa 2020 Inaugurated In Kolkata


‘Studio Artz’ an inclusive centre for learning art in Kolkata, curated ‘Nachiketa 2020’, from February 9th-11th, 2020 at the ICCR Nandlal Bose Hall.

The event was inaugurated by the eminent artist Samir Aich. The founders of Studio Artz, Mr. Rabin Kumar Mondal, Mrs. Neerja  Nopany and Ms. Smita Sonthalia were also present during the exhibition.

The three day exhibit showcased artworks in multiple media, such as tempera, charcoal, pen and ink and oil pastel. Nachiketa captured through 100-odd works on display, the new trend of gender fluidity along with other variables like floral, landscape, people and abstracts.

The participants came from different walks of life- doctors, retired school teachers, singers, regular office goers, IT professionals, HR personnel, restaurateur, housewives and even art graduates.

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