Swiggy Introduces Wellness Program-Built Around You

Swiggy Introduces Wellness Program-Built Around You

Swiggy Introduces Wellness Program-Built Around You


Swiggy has introduced ‘Built Around You’, a curated wellness program for Swiggsters on account of World Health Day. Aimed at strengthening the overall Wellness of the entire Swiggy fraternity and their dear ones, the program is focused around the 4 pillars of Physical, Emotional/Mental, Financial and Legal Wellness.

With a firm belief that the wellness of every Swiggster is influenced by the wellness of the people they care about, Swiggy has launched an array of benefits. These range from offering unlimited tele/video consultation sessions with independent experts (such as Doctors, Dietitians, Counsellors, Psychologists, Financial and Legal Experts) to customized digital and onsite wellness programs for the employees and their dear ones. This includes health check-ups, wellness workshops/ webinars and individualized sessions on Weight, Addiction and Diabetes Management, Maternity Care, Marital Counselling, etc.

It also extends additional benefits such as discounted Gym Membership, Physiotherapy Sessions, Home Nurse Visits and Diagnostic Examinations to enable everyone on their wellness journey.

The program has a strong inclusion focus, ensuring that it caters beyond the traditional definition of employees and dependents. Hence it has been uniquely curated for On-roll Employees, Off-roll Employees, Kitchen Staff and Delivery Partners. Benefits can be extended to family members, partners or friends, anyone who matters.

While the program for our Delivery Partners went live on Wednesday, April 1, 2020 and has already witnessed a good uptake with about 2000 signups and over 1000 consultations, benefits for the rest of the organisation have been made available from April 6, 2020.

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