Fifth Anniversary Celebrations Of Art Consultation Platform-The Artemist

Fifth Anniversary Celebrations Of Art Consultation Platform-The Artemist

Fifth Anniversary Celebrations Of Art Consultation Platform-The Artemist


Mrs. Aradhana Dalmia on behalf of The Artemist, organized the fifth-anniversary celebrations of The Artemist.

The Artemist is an art consultation platform that caters to art requirements for homes, offices, hospitality, and events.


This was an open call to the art enthusiasts to explore, create and indulge in art, as over 250 artworks by some of the creative talents were on display.

The huge collection of artworks on display was created by both experienced artists as well as art college pass outs. The huge range of artists who have contributed to artworks speaks volumes of the diversity of the artists.


Since The Artemist is an art consultation platform, they customize the art products as per the needs of the clients. This platform believes that artwork is for everyone and not strictly confined to affluent people. You can have a painting or artwork or even artwork on plates too. The range for showcasing art is limitless.

Artists can sit in the studio and then work on the projects ordered by the clients.


The prices for the artworks start from Rs 1500 and go up to Rs 30, 00, 000.


Location- The Artemist, Kahm Towers, 13, Lindsay Street, 9th Floor, Kolkata 700087

Priyanka Dutta

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