Women’s Day Special Event “Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities” Organized At Pancham er Adday

Women’s Day Special Event “Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities” Organized At Pancham er Adday

Women’s Day Special Event “Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities” Organized At Pancham er Adday


“I have a great problem at celebrating International Women’s Day. Men don’t have a day for that. Then why do women need a day for celebrating their achievements? They can do that every day” said actress Anindita Sarkar at an event Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities- A Celebration of the Modern Woman at the food joint Pancham er Adday.

Also gracing the occasion were actress Anuradha Mukherjee, Anusha Vishwanathan, and Aparajita Ghosh along with Amrita, the proprietor of Pancham er Adday.


“I have grown up in a family where my parents treated my two sisters equally. I don’t know what would have happened if I had a brother. Whatever might be the case, I was raised in a family where I got the right to pursue what I wanted to do. I was never forbidden to do this or that. And so when I go outside and see women not getting their rights, that troubles me a lot” said Aparajita Ghosh.

Anusha Vishwanathan who has just started her career in the film industry said “My grandmother often gets worried when I get home late. Though I find it irritating at times, I understand that this is out of concern. And this happened because society still cannot guarantee safety to women who come back home late at night. As a result, the family members have to think twice about letting their daughters stay out late”.


The young actress also stated that women have to learn self-defense techniques. While that is healthy for the body but it should not be a compulsion due to society. It must be a choice for a woman to learn or not to learn self-defense techniques.


Anuradha Mukherjee who has made her mark in the film industry with her works in films like Sweater, Panchlait, and others said “There is a sudden conception about the ideal actress. I do not look like the conventional actresses. I have heard this said to me quite a number of times. However, the actors do not have to hear these statements. I do not still understand what the conventional actresses must look like. I have to ask the directors who have been working with me despite my unconventional looks”.


With this event, the panelists wanted to spread awareness about the rights of women and also to inspire fellow women.

Priyanka Dutta

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