Versius Robotic Surgery Introduced In ILS Hospitals- A First in Eastern India

Versius Robotic Surgery Introduced In ILS Hospitals- A First in Eastern India

Versius Robotic Surgery Introduced In ILS Hospitals- A First in Eastern India


Around the world, there is a growing interest in enhancing efficiency through the use of robotic technology. It takes a minimally invasive surgical method. Robotic surgery significantly reduces post-operative pain and blood transfusions while reducing bleeding and blood loss. Due to limited human intervention, there is essentially no danger of infection. This results in dramatically improved patient management and experience.

Understanding this, ILS Hospitals in Salt Lake has introduced a next-generation advanced robotic system in abdominal surgery for the first time in Eastern India. Versius is a next-generation Surgical Robot that offers enhanced precision for any kind of abdominal surgery.

It was introduced at ILS Hospitals, Salt Lake by Dr. Om Tantia, Medical Director & Head, Department of Minimal Access and Bariatric Surgery, ILS Hospitals, and Dr. Aruna Tantia, Director & Consultant Surgeon (Gynaecology & Obstetrics), ILS Hospitals. Mr. Debashis Dhar, Group Vice President, Business Development, ILS Hospitals, and Mr. Subhranath Moitra, DGM Operations, ILS Hospitals, Saltlake.

Laparoscopy’s drawbacks have been reduced by the introduction of robotic surgery equipment. Robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgery has two main advantages: better visualization and greater dexterity. In comparison to traditional laparoscopy, this developing technique offers significantly greater technological benefits.

Tremor filtering, 3D imaging, and articulated instruments are all features of robotic systems. Robotic surgery is preferable to traditional laparoscopic surgery using this cutting-edge equipment because of the significant improvement in visualization and manipulation.

Versius allows surgeons complete port placement flexibility while providing the advantages of tiny, fully wristed devices. The system also offers easy-to-use instrument control, 3D HD vision, and a selection of ergonomic working positions designed to lessen stress and tiredness and ultimately assist to extend the careers of surgeons. The console’s ability to operate while sitting or standing in an ergonomic position has been designed to lessen the physical strain on the operating surgeon. The open console layout gives the surgeon and the bedside surgical team a direct line of sight to encourage verbal and nonverbal interaction. Versus is made to give the surgical team continuous access to the patient.

Versius is a cutting-edge surgical robotic system developed by Cambridge Medical Robotics (CMR) for minimal access procedures. It consists of a modular robotic arm with an endoscopic camera attachment, up to three instrument bedside units, and a variety of wristed surgical instruments that can be linked to it.

The medical team intends to make this revolutionary robotic surgery available in all ILS Hospital locations.

Priyanka Dutta

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