Using Artificial Intelligence For Diagnosis Of Prostate Cancer

Using Artificial Intelligence For Diagnosis Of Prostate Cancer

Using Artificial Intelligence For Diagnosis Of Prostate Cancer



The Convenor of the uro-oncology section of the Urology Society of India organized a press conference on “Dialogue on prostate cancer and the artificial intelligence-the way forward”. The event was graced in the esteemed presence of Mr. Prokar Dasgupta the leading light in prostate cancer in the international arena and consultant urologist at Guy’s Hospital, London in conversation with Dr. Amit Ghose the Head of the Department of Urology in Apollo Multi-Speciality Hospital, Kolkata.

Prostate cancer awareness and men’s health, in general, are promoted during the month of November. An early diagnosis allows the practitioner the freedom to treat the ailment using a variety of methods. If diagnosed early enough, a robot-assisted radical prostatectomy can cure prostate cancer. Additionally, chemotherapy and immunotherapy are greatly assisting in the improvement of outcomes. Artificial intelligence is now being used more and more in the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of urological malignancies. In order to improve the precision of diagnosis and therapy, big data is being processed. Additionally, AI is being utilized to improve the precision of uro-cancer surgeries and treatment selection.

Addressing the media Prof Prokar Dasgupta said, “Cancer is one of the largest killer diseases in men. But at the turn of the century, tremendous progress has been made to diagnose, investigate and treat this condition. We need to raise awareness about the various options for the treatment of Prostate Cancer.  Early diagnosis can be achieved through Blood PSA after 50 years of age, family history is also relevant, MRI scans are becoming very good at detection and PSMA scans are also very accurate.  But patients have to comply so that detection can be early”.

Hence, one must be aware and men must do blood tests to detect prostate cancer early in their lives. As they say, prevention is better than cure.

Priyanka Dutta

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