She Feeds The World Program Expansion Announced In India By PepsiCo Foundation

She Feeds The World Program Expansion Announced In India By PepsiCo Foundation

She Feeds The World Program Expansion Announced In India By PepsiCo Foundation


The “She Feeds the World” program’s expansion was announced in India by the PepsiCo Foundation, the charitable arm of PepsiCo, and CARE, a non-profit dedicated to empowering vulnerable women and girls.

The program aimed to address gender inequality in the agriculture sector.

It was launched in the presence of Sobhandeb Chattopadhyay, Minister for Agriculture, Government of West Bengal, Dr. Subrata Gupta, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary, Government of West Bengal, Roberto Azevêdo, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer at PepsiCo and Chairman of Board of Directors for the PepsiCo Foundation, Ahmed ElSheikh, President of PepsiCo India, Mrs. Dipika Sanyamath, Wael Ismail and Puneet Bali, Executive Director, CARE India.


She Feeds The World, an initiative of PepsiCo as part of the company’s pep+ (PepsiCo Positive) commitment to Positive Agriculture, is focused on enhancing the role of small-scale women producers through sustainable agriculture training, financial support, and by strengthening links, including with the PepsiCo supply chain, to ensure sustainable and stable incomes for the farmer community. In India, the Alipurduar and Cooch Behar districts of West Bengal will host the program’s implementation.

She Feeds the World will have an impact on women farmers and their families in the economic, social, and environmental facets of a sustainable food system. At the economic level, it will raise small farmers’ capacity to enhance their farming methods, boost yields, and diversify their sources of revenue in order to produce a more stable income. Socially, the project will encourage more equitable access for disadvantaged farmers to information, resources, and inclusive marketplaces. To have the least possible influence on the natural ecosystem, the project will address concerns with soil, water, biodiversity, and carbon footprint.


PepsiCo, the PepsiCo Foundation, and CARE want to target more than 48,000 women, men, and children through the program’s growth in India, as well as indirectly assist 1,500,000 people in West Bengal.

 ‘She Feeds the World’ will help women farmers build a secure and resilient livelihood with access to nutrition and water by:

  1. Improving capabilities
  2. Improving nutrition in communities
  3. Improving women’s access and control over resources
  4. Multiplying impact for women small-scale producers

The PepsiCo Foundation also honored women farmers at the ceremony by continuing the PepsiCo-USAID Women Farmer Economic Empowerment Program in West Bengal. The farmers received recognition for their outstanding efforts in the agricultural industry and for challenging stereotypes in their local communities. The awards’ inaugural ceremony happened in 2022.

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