Satyabrata Rout Wins The First Oxford Bookstore Art Book Prize

Satyabrata Rout Wins The First Oxford Bookstore Art Book Prize

Satyabrata Rout Wins The First Oxford Bookstore Art Book Prize

At a special event held at India Habitat Centre, Oxford Bookstore, a century-old chain of bookstores, announced the winners of the First Edition of the Oxford Bookstore Art Book Prize and the Eighth Edition of the Oxford Bookstore Book Cover Prize.

The winner of the first edition of the Oxford Bookstore Art Book Prize was announced, and it was “Scenography: An Indian Perspective” written by renowned scenographer and director of contemporary Indian theatre Satyabrata Rout and published by Niyogi Books. This award is the only one in India that recognizes the value of art in all genres under the umbrella of an art publication.

In addition to the winning title, the jurors also appreciated “Inspired by India: How India Transformed Global Design”  by Phyllida Jay and published by Roli Books. Satyabrata Rout, the author of the winning title and the publisher, of Niyogi Books was felicitated with the trophy, certificate, and 1 Lakh Indian Rupees cash prize by the Chair of Jury, Dr. Alka Pande and Ms. Martine Aamdal Bottheim, Minister Counsellor & Deputy Head of Mission at Norwegian Embassy in New Delhi.

The first dissertation on this topic, Scenography: An Indian Perspective, reveals the astounding yet unnoticed contribution of “stage” design in Indian theatres over the ages and the relatively more recent adoption of it.

Congratulations to the author!!

Priyanka Dutta

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