Jute Story Celebrates World Environment Day With New Horizon Kids

Jute Story Celebrates World Environment Day With New Horizon Kids

Jute Story Celebrates World Environment Day With New Horizon Kids

Under the auspices of the Rakshak Foundation, Jute Story, a top sustainable fashion label, enthusiastically celebrated World Environment Day on June 5th with the kids of New Horizon. Chaitali Das, a well-known environmentalist and the creator of Jute Story was in charge of planning the event.

Every year on June 5, the world celebrates World Environment Day, which advocates environmental protection and the promotion of sustainable lifestyles. Jute Story, a company renowned for its dedication to sustainability and environmentally responsible fashion, used this occasion to interact with the younger generation and develop a feeling of environmental responsibility in them.

An interactive session between the Jute Story crew and the kids from New Horizon marked the start of the program. The discussion emphasized the value of sustainable practices and the need to raise public knowledge of environmental challenges. The kids eagerly engaged in the talks and activities, learning important lessons about how they may help create a greener future.

A sapling-planting ceremony was place at the Studio Boutique Jute Story after the interesting session. The kids eagerly participated in the ceremony, showing their dedication to preserving and protecting the environment. Each kid was given a sapling to plant and care for at home, encouraging a sense of individual environmental responsibility.

Jute Story’s founder and event coordinator Chaitali Das said, “Our main objective is to make our next generation aware of the growing threat of the environment. We gave them jute bags, planted trees, and urged them to use sustainable goods rather than plastic. Our goal is to improve the globe for the coming generation”.

The Rakshak Foundation’s assistance and collaboration in the planning of this event were appreciated by Jute Story. Together, they work to build a greener, more sustainable future because the Rakshak Foundation is committed to the same causes that Jute Story is.

Priyanka Dutta

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