“WB Motion Picture Artists Forum Is Like A Close Family”-Prosenjit Chatterjee

“WB Motion Picture Artists Forum Is Like A Close Family”-Prosenjit Chatterjee

“WB Motion Picture Artists Forum Is Like A Close Family”-Prosenjit Chatterjee

West Bengal Motion Picture Artists Forum celebrated its 25th anniversary on August 12th, 2023. On this particular occasion, the entire governing board was there. The Anderson Club in Kolkata hosted the occasion, and the senior members were there together with the president, Ranjit Mullick, and others.


The founding members of the governing body which consists of Ranjit Mullick, Shankar Chakraborty, Prosenjit Chatterjee, Rupa Ganguly, and Chiranjeet Chakraborty were present. 


Shri Shantilal Mukherjee, general secretary of the artist’s forum, discussed their opinions on pensions for retired artists.


Speaking at the event, Prosenjit Chatterjee said “It was after an adda session at Ranjit Mullick’s house that we thought that such an artist’s forum should be there for the artists in Bengal. Now we have more than 3000 artists in the forum. Most of the important decisions of the industry are taken by the forum. This is an important platform for the veteran and newcomer artists”.


Ankush said, “We will do our best for the betterment of this industry. All the members are committed to this mission and we hope to achieve great heights in the future”.

Manali Dey said that the forum was started by the senior actors. However, now it is the duty of the young artists to carry forward this legacy. “This is like a family. I have been part of the forum for some years now. It is a great feeling that the forum has turned 25 now” added the actress.


Kushal Chakraborty added that when the forum will complete 50 years, many of the veteran members might not be there. However, he wished that the journey of the forum would continue unabated even in the future. He wished the artist’s forum all the best.


Many of the forum’s artists added sparkle to the occasion. A cake-cutting ceremony was held to celebrate the occasion.

Priyanka Dutta

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