Youth Awareness At South Point High School By Bobby Chakraborty

Youth Awareness At South Point High School By Bobby Chakraborty

Youth Awareness At South Point High School By Bobby Chakraborty

The seventh-grade pupils at South Point High School demonstrated a groundbreaking level of youth awareness through Bobby Chakraborty‘s Anti-Addiction Campaign (AAC). Additionally, this was his 39th session at this school.

Bobby Chakraborty, a well-known actor, activist, and method acting teacher from Kolkata, led this internationally acclaimed, free, mind-bending, and preventive awareness program for kids. He won over the hearts and minds of all the students and had a profound effect on them by bringing up issues like smoking, alcoholism, mobile phones, gaming, online gambling, online obscenity, abusive language, and other addictions. He also taught them simple yet effective ways to avoid these things, which are destroying children’s physical and mental health these days.

Bobby’s award-winning lesson, “I AM THE KING OF MY MIND,” teaches the kids to control their thoughts against temptations that could ruin their family, career, and health.

Soldier Arghodip Mondal, a very innovative student, was the “star” of the session. He received the three coveted titles of “The First Soldier”, “The Trendsetter” and “The Winner” of the final surprise contest—something that has only ever happened once in Bobby’s AAC history!


Tejaswini Basu and Adrish Lahiri, two soldiers, were the other two winners. Along with the official photographer for this highly involved session, Ayan Dutta, a very well-behaved and obedient soldier who was accompanied by soldier Sarthak Jana, they were all presented with unique awards, customized HCF t-shirts, and certificates of community service by their beloved “Bobby Dada”.

Since 2014, Bobby has been working with the socially responsible school management, senior principal Rupa Sanyal Bhattacharjee, coordinator Brita Sarkar, and others to change society by raising awareness among young people, who are the foundation, about the importance of having a healthy body and mind as they grow up.

Priyanka Dutta

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