A Ray Of Genius- Film on Satyajit Ray Released To Mark Centenary Celebrations of Filmmaker

A Ray Of Genius- Film on Satyajit Ray Released To Mark Centenary Celebrations of Filmmaker

A Ray Of Genius- Film on Satyajit Ray Released To Mark Centenary Celebrations of Filmmaker


Raghvendra Singh, CEO DMCS, Ministry of Culture, Government of India launched a film titled ‘A Ray of Genius’ to mark the beginning of the centenary celebrations of Satyajit Ray.

While releasing the film online he observed that the short-film highlights Ray’s film making genius as well as his eclectic achievements across literature, art, music and design that have been put together by professionals from Kolkata and Mumbai.  Award winning director Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury and editor Arghya Kamal Mitra have created this film with the help of Sandip Ray and the Society for the Preservation of Satyajit Ray Archives. The film also features stunning photographs by Nemai Ghosh, Ray’s chronicler for three decades showcasing the great filmmaker at work, sourced with the help of the Delhi Art Gallery.

On the occasion, an official Facebook Page and YouTube Channel of DMCS were also launched, which will show case other activities during the Centenary Celebrations of Satyajit Ray. The viewer may log on to the following links to view, like and follow them.

Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/A-Ray-of-Genius-Satyajit-Ray-Centenary-Celebrations-110004454032751/

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3fwhFWVAjAXV5-T7q76Aaw/?guided_help_flow=5

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