Adamas University Signs MOU With Nha Trang University, Vietnam

Adamas University Signs MOU With Nha Trang University, Vietnam

Adamas University Signs MOU With Nha Trang University, Vietnam


At the recently completed conference on “Cooperation Promotion” between India and the South Central Provinces of Vietnam, which was held during a business delegation organized by the Indian Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Consulate General of India and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of India in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, an MOU was signed between Adamas University and Nha Trang University.

The Agreement was signed as a result of the Indian government’s decision to send Adamas University to Vietnam as one of the universities as part of a strategy to attract more international students to India and establish a productive and significant route between them and India.

Trang Si Trung, Rector of Nha Trang College of Engineering and Technology, and Prof. Shauli Mukherjee, Director of the School of Education and Associate Dean of Adamas University, signed the Memorandum of Understanding.

The university also forged partnerships with some of Vietnam’s most esteemed universities.

One of the main focuses of the MOU formed between the two universities was the interchange of students and professors, as well as cooperative research initiatives and programs for cultural interaction. The MOU signing, according to Adamas University Chancellor Prof. Samit Ray, “was a significant milestone in developing excellence for the future progress of students.”

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