Adopt A Ghat Toolkit- To Encourage People In Preserving Ghats

Adopt A Ghat Toolkit- To Encourage People In Preserving Ghats

Adopt A Ghat Toolkit- To Encourage People In Preserving Ghats

More people are realizing how important Kolkata’s River Hooghly and its ghats are to the history and legacy of the city. Recognizing the value of rivers, Kult X launched the “Adopt a Ghat Toolkit” in the distinguished presence of the following dignitaries- Smt. Laily Thompson, the organizer and founder of Kult X, Smt. Enakshi Majumdar, River Rangers, Smt. G M Kapur, INTACH, and other relevant officials. The purpose of this project is to encourage and enable the people of Kolkata to take an active role in preserving and enhancing the ghats, making them appealing and usable regularly.

The River Festival began in 2019 and has since organized other cultural events to attract tourists to the ghats and started the restoration of the old Champatala Ghat. The Adopt a Ghat Toolkit seeks to increase community involvement in riverside preservation by building on these initiatives.

The training of locals to become River Ambassadors, who promote the preservation of the river ghats’ cleanliness, history, and beauty, is a key part of this project. The training will cover several important topics, including courses on the cultural and historical value of the ghats, vital safety procedures to guarantee tourists’ safety, and hands-on instruction in environmental conservation methods. Cleanup campaigns, educational tours, and community engagement initiatives could also be a part of this.

This all-encompassing strategy seeks to provide the community with the information and abilities required to preserve the cleanliness and visual appeal of the riverside. Kult X aims to encourage a group effort to preserve and appreciate the historical and environmental significance of the river by giving people a strong sense of connection to its history and enabling them to actively participate in its maintenance.

Kult X is organizing a special riverside and ghat cleansing campaign in collaboration with River Rangers. The Adopt a Ghat Toolkit project is also being supported by the Sea Explorers Institute, with an emphasis on safety education and advancing the river’s sustainability. The significance of the river and the ghats in Kolkata’s history and legacy is being emphasized by the Living Water Museum. This year will see an even higher number of students, schools, and business entities getting involved, building on the success of the previous year, in which students from six schools actively participated.

All Kolkataans are invited to participate in this life-changing experience by Kult X. The community can celebrate and protect the history and natural beauty of the River Hooghly and its ghats for future generations by working together.

To participate or to register in the Adopt a Ghat initiative, visit

Priyanka Dutta

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