All Women Biker Rally Organized By Wow! Momo To Break Biases Against Women

All Women Biker Rally Organized By Wow! Momo To Break Biases Against Women

All Women Biker Rally Organized By Wow! Momo To Break Biases Against Women


International Women’s Day 2022 was all about urging people to Break the Bias. Keeping this in consideration, Wow! Momo started a campaign for celebrating empowerment, envisioning a world liberated from generalization, discrimination, and predisposition.

The responsibility of breaking the bias starts from the surroundings and ultimately leads to society. An amalgamated behavior leads to practicing the same behavior towards women and practicing the same in the community. This will lead to a much-needed societal change.


Wow! Momo organized an All Women Biker Rally for creating an open forum for any women to participate. This will help in breaking the stereotype of inferior behavior towards women.

The rally saw the participation of 40 participants from Ruby to RDB Wow! China Bistro.

The event saw the presence of Ushoshi Sengupta, Swastika Dutta, and Koneenica Banerjee.


At the same event, Wow! China Bistro offered the women guests a chocolate momo as a token of appreciation for their patronage.

With this, All Women Biker Rally, stereotypes against women were addressed and the art of acceptance towards accepting strong and ambitious women was propagated.

Priyanka Dutta

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