Audio Drama 80 Arshinagar Released On YouTube Channel Sahajpath

Audio Drama 80 Arshinagar Released On YouTube Channel Sahajpath

Audio Drama 80 Arshinagar Released On YouTube Channel Sahajpath


YouTube channel Sahajpath has released an audio drama “80 Arshinagar”. It throws light on the Naxal period from 1970.

Songs, poems, and narration have all done a beautiful job of narrating the country’s revolution. The main thinker behind 80 Arshinagar, Nilanjan Ghosh, said: “80 Arshinagar is an experimental endeavor, a combination of original Bengali songs with Bengali basic shruti drama. There is also an experimental aspect in Bangla basic songs, the performance of Bangla songs with full western classical tunes or western classical music.


Commentary: Sohini Dasgupta Chakraborty and Sanjay Dey

Sung by: Upasana Dutt and Megh Banerjee

Lyrics: Shankhshubhra Mitra

Melody and music arrangement: Megh Banerjee

Ongoing scene: Shantanu Ghosh

Production – Composition – Direction – Management: Nilanjan Ghosh

A good endeavor indeed!!

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