Autism Treatable Now With Homeopathic Intervention

Autism Treatable Now With Homeopathic Intervention

Autism Treatable Now With Homeopathic Intervention


Autism or Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) impacts the nervous system and affects the overall cognitive, emotional, social and physical health of the affected individual from his childhood. The range and severity of symptoms can vary widely.

A million dollar question about Autism, that reigns:
a) Genetic or After-effect of vaccination? Controversy can demand precious time and life.
b) Which treatment can bring positive result? Homeopathy? Modern medicine? Therapies? Again controversy can demand precious time and life.

In these points of view, Mr. Pranab Mallik, Autism expert & doctor of the new treatment, has solemnly proclaimed that he has tasted success in treating the hitherto unanswered Autism, with the help of research-based thoughtful Homeopathic intervention, based on his meticulous and conscientious studying of all available hypotheses and contradictions.

He has strongly opined that beside medical assistance, involvement and support of parents, members of family and neighbours-play vital role in curing the child, to stretch his wings in this beautiful world.

While treating Autism, MDT (multiple- drug therapy) is being used to ease the path to cure. In first-hand experience with autistic children, observation shows that, SENSORIUM remains in unorganised pattern. So, G.I tract related inconvenience, Urinary track infection in some children, Lower & Upper respiratory tract infection and many other problems are part and parcel of Autism.

So armed with this blessed weapon, it can be claimed that Autism is no more unconquerable. Homeopathy, the panacea, has the power to restore back all the colours of the world to a child.

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