Book Launch Of The Dark Traverse Written By Sulagna Chaudhury

Book Launch Of The Dark Traverse Written By Sulagna Chaudhury

Book Launch Of The Dark Traverse Written By Sulagna Chaudhury


The book launch of author Sulagna Chaudhury’s book The Dark Traverse took place in the presence of the author and other eminent dignitaries.

India’s internet user population is expected to reach over 900 by 2025. Along with this is an increase in cyber threats that has become a major source of worry. Due to the rising implementation of this technology, there has been an exponential rise in digital payment scams since Covid-19 struck India in 2020.

Although episodes of online abuse and violence can happen to both men and women, women are much more likely to become the targets of frequent and severe types of harmful behavior when using technology. Every day, we learn about women and girls who have fallen prey to various online predators, including a non-consensual image or video sharing, intimidation, and threats via email or social media platforms, including rape and death threats, online sexual harassment, stalking, including the use of tracking apps and devices, as well as impersonation, and economic harm via digital means, to name just a few.


This story is about a next-gen ship getting hijacked, but with no hijacker on board.

The book is a tribute to the individual digital restraint we exercise and the communal duty we have as responsible internet users worldwide.

Priyanka Dutta

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