Centre Of Excellence On CSR And Sustainability Set Up BY ICC And TERI

Centre Of Excellence On CSR And Sustainability Set Up BY ICC And TERI

Centre Of Excellence On CSR And Sustainability Set Up BY ICC And TERI


Indian Chamber of Commerce and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) joined hands to set up a ‘Centre of Excellence on CSR and Sustainability’ in the presence of Mr. Nicholas Low, British Deputy High Commission in Kolkata, Mr. Nakamura Yutaka, Consul-General, Consulate-General of Japan in Kolkata, Ms. Rowan Ainsworth, Consul-General, Australian Consulate-General in Kolkata and Mr. Sanjay Budhia, Past President – ICC & MD – PATTON Group.

The Indian Chambers of Commerce and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) have collaborated to address and devise solutions for all stakeholders through the ICC – TERI Centre of Excellence. The Centre of Excellence aims to build a knowledge platform by collaborating with businesses, governments, NGOs, and other CSR stakeholders to achieve national and global goals centered on the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Centre of Excellence in its entirety shall focus on-

  • Generating and providing a global knowledge platform to become a prominent voice amongst corporates, NGOs, academia, and government on CSR, sustainability, and sustainable development
  • Demonstrating promising ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) framework to have productive and sustainable working for corporates and other stakeholders
  • Working towards India’s commitment to COP26 goal of Zero Emission by 2070 through Knowledge papers/reports, round tables, sensitization programs, etc
  • Conducting research, development, demonstration, and execution of innovative technologies and solutions in different thematic areas in the CSR domain
  • Popularizing NGO rating amongst the social sector in order to create a credible database of NGOs and implementing agencies in the country


Through knowledge papers/reports, round tables, and sensitization programs, ICC and TERI are working to support India’s commitment to the COP26 goal of zero emissions by 2070. While the ICC is also a proactive and forward-thinking chamber in the country, its strength lies in its ability to anticipate future needs, respond to challenges, and prepare stakeholders in the economy to benefit from these changes and opportunities, and this MoU is a notable event that emphasizes the same points.

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