Conference On Investment Opportunities In Thailand Organized

The Thai and Indian governments both recognize the India-Thai Chamber of Commerce, which has non-profit status. The ITCC provides guidance to its members as they choose whether to invest in business or trade in Thailand. It includes both commercial and social and cultural issues. In line with this, the India-Thai Chamber of Commerce organized a conference on “Investment Opportunities In Thailand” at the Hotel Hindustan International in Kolkata in partnership with the Thailand Board of Investment.
The seminar’s objective was to inform the delegates of the commercial potential for Indian companies in the chosen industry, the benefits of doing business in Thailand, and the government’s incentive and assistance programs. Mr. Rajeev Goenka, President of the Indo-Thai Chamber of Commerce in West Bengal, Mr. Nanthapol Sudbanthad, Director and Consul of the Thailand Board of Investment’s office in India, and Mr. Rohit Surana, Chief Secretary of JITO and executive member of the MCCI, were among the event’s notable guests. After they have talked about the advantages of conducting business in Thailand, there was a round of questions and answers.
Mr. Nanthapol Sudbanthad discussed the benefits of investing in Thailand for Indian investors looking to grow into Southeast Asia, as well as the business prospects and tax and non-tax incentives needed to be eligible. “India and Thailand are not only neighbors, but they also share a lot of historical parallels in terms of culture and legacy. Thailand offers tremendous business potential in numerous industries and is not just a popular tourist destination. Thailand invites Indian investors to enter and conduct business throughout the ASEAN region and beyond” he added.
According to Rajeev Goenka, “This is the first seminar on investment opportunities in Thailand being organized by the West Bengal chapter of the India-Thai Chamber of Commerce. This Chamber’s main goal is to investigate and promote trade and commerce between the two nations. Thailand is well-known for its warmth and tourism, and it is a favorite location for events and weddings. Many Indian businesses already have factories and offices in Thailand, and many more plan to do so”.
The seminar was successful because it gave participants insight into what Thailand has to offer foreign companies in their target industries and why Thailand is well-positioned for growth in these industries.
Priyanka Dutta