Damayanti’s Title Track Released; Hoichoi’s First Female Detective Franchise
hoichoi released the title track of its upcoming detective-crime thriller series, Damayanti. Damayanti is hoichoi’s first female detective franchise. The series is about a bright, young professor who teaches History, Damayanti Dutta Gupta (Tuhina Das). She has a curious mind and a knack for solving mysteries. In this endeavor, she is often aided by her husband Samaresh (Indrasish Ray), and his police friend, Siben Sen (Shoumo Banerjee).
Sung and penned by the versatile Bangladeshi singer Sharmin Sultana Sumi, the title track is upbeat and a good catch for the ears. The track is composed and directed by the popular Bangladeshi band named Chirkut. Helmed by Aritra Sen and Rohan Ghose, the web series is slated for a release this Puja.
The series is based on Manoj Sen’s famous writing “Rohoshyo Shondhani Damayanti.
A good series to look forward to!!
Priyanka Dutta