Dating Trends Of Kolkata Youngsters Show More Focus On Compatibility

Dating Trends Of Kolkata Youngsters Show More Focus On Compatibility

Dating Trends Of Kolkata Youngsters Show More Focus On Compatibility

The most well-known dating app in the world, Tinder, has recently revealed new information about how Kolkata’s young singles between the ages of 18 and 25 are revolutionizing dating in a way that no prior generation has done before. Young singles are questioning conventional relationship ideals, embracing their cultural identity, and setting out on a voyage of self-discovery in Kolkata, where traditions and modernity collide. Many singles now use dating apps as a legitimate entry point into the dating scene, with Tinder standing out as the most popular dating app worldwide among 18-year-olds for creating real connections that express their uniqueness.

To throw light on this current dating scenario, Tinder’s Future of Dating in Kolkata Edition was revealed. It threw light on how youngsters navigated romance and meaningful connections.

Ushoshi Sengupta moderated a panel discussion that was attended by Aahana Dhar, Communications Director of Tinder India, Indrani Biswas, also known as Wonder Munna and a renowned content creator, and Joshua Benjamin, Tinder member.


Aahana Dhar, Director of Communications, Tinder India, said, “We are eager to share fresh information on Kolkata’s evolving dating scene. When evaluating someone’s profile, this generation of young adults in Kolkata knows exactly what they’re looking for, prioritizing interests, lifestyle choices, and dating intentions above all else. They are leading the charge to redefine the limits of contemporary romance, from finding love in the magic of festivals to emphasizing mental health. Tinder is happy to accompany them on their trip and introduce them to countless opportunities”.

Some of the highlights of Tinder’s Future of Dating in Kolkata Edition are:

  • Situationships, a relationship without any pre-set goals centered around transparency and freedom, are the preferred dating style for 45% of young singles in Kolkata.
  • 86% of young singles in Kolkata concur that having compatible cultural values is crucial. According to 72% of polled singles, intellectual stimulation, and political and current affairs alignment with potential mates are essential qualities.
  • Festivals and cultural events are the most popular first date option for young singles in Kolkata (47%) and are higher than in any other Indian metropolis.
  • Digital natives in Kolkata’s GenZ are comfortable online and don’t see the necessity for meticulously manicured accounts or heavily filtered photographs. A compatible personality type, a common love of travel, and a humorous dating bio are a few of the lifestyle preferences and hobbies that make a match particularly alluring.
  • Young singles in Kolkata report that 87% of potential partners find them more appealing and that 85% believe that having a spouse who values self-care is essential to a fulfilling relationship.
  • Distance is no barrier to the type of connection young people in Kolkata are looking for, with nearly half (42%) of them willing to discover love in another city or significant connections across borders.

At the event, Indrani Biswas said “For me, the person should be authentic, and it will be great if he can have a sense of humor. I remember I once went on a date and the guy was bad-mouthing his ex-girlfriend. That was a huge turn-off for me. People should look out for the red and green flags in their relationship. In that way, they can maintain their mental well-being”.

Aahana highlighted many safety features of Tinder that youngsters can use to keep themselves safe.

Priyanka Dutta

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