Delicious Mango Based Dishes on Offer at The Fatty Bao’s Mango Matinee

Delicious Mango Based Dishes on Offer at The Fatty Bao’s Mango Matinee

Delicious Mango Based Dishes on Offer at The Fatty Bao’s Mango Matinee


The Fatty Bao, Kolkata has come up with “Mango Matinee”, every day from May 20- June 20, 2019.

Chef Sumit and his team bring you the coolest Mango menu, one packed with exciting Asian flavours.  The ‘Mango Matinee’ is filled with delicious surprises- from the refreshing Smoked Chicken, Roasted Mango and Banana Blossom Salad to the crisp and crunchy Crazy Mango Shrimp Sushi Roll, the deliciously summery Thai Mango Chicken to the super flavourful Feisty Mango Curry and the light and sweet Mango Panna Cotta.


The menu of the ‘Mango Matinee’ includes Mango Carpaccio, Thai Mango Chicken, Crazy Mango Shrimp Sushi Roll, Crisp Sweet Potato Sushi Roll, Smoked Chicken, Roasted Mango and Banana Blossom Salad, Feisty Mango Curry, Raw Mango Sticky Jasmine Rice, Mango Panna Cotta and more.

Quick Facts:

Mango Matinee Showing from May 20 – June 20, 2019

Average Price of Dish: Rs 225 to Rs 465 plus taxes

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