Dig Into Fantastic Italian Cuisine At The Village’s Cucina Siciliana

Dig Into Fantastic Italian Cuisine At The Village’s Cucina Siciliana

Dig Into  Fantastic Italian Cuisine At The Village’s Cucina Siciliana

If you can’t stop digging into pasta, bruschetta, and Italian salads, then you must drop by The Village, a premium hospitality address hosting a 13-day long food festival where you will get to enjoy savoring a host of authentic Italian cuisine curated by the Executive Chef and culinary team especially.

Housed in the center of lush greenery, this soothing dining space is among the growing tribe of a perfect restaurants in the cities that foodies love to explore.

On offer are dishes like Frittelle Di Fiori Di Zucca, Bruschetta Con Pomodori Secchi, Involtini Di Pesce, Gamberi All’Aglio, and Pollo Alla Diavola.

The Zuppa section consists of healthy and delicious soups like Minestrone Alla Genovese, and Pasta Chi Vruoccoli Arriminati.

The Insalata section consists of refreshing salads like Insalata Di Pomodori, and Insalata Di Arance E Finocchi.


Piatto Vegetariano section conatins Tortellini Sicilliani, Caponata, and Pasta Con Le Melanzane Alla Norma.

Piatto Carne section consists of dishes like Stufato Di Montone Siciliano, Spaghetti Con Le Polpette, Spaghetti Al Nero Di Sepia, Pollo Alla Cacciatora, and Pesce alla Griglia Con Verdure.

The Dolce section has on offer dishes like Brioche Col Tuppo and Crostata Dolce Al Mango.

What – Cucina Siciliana

When – 15th May –  28th May

Where – The Village by Ecohub

Address – Ecohub Premises, 2F/11, Ecospace Business Park, AA II, Newtown, West Bengal 700160

Timing – Lunch: 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm

             Dinner: 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm

Price – 1000 for two approximately

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