Dramebaazi Season 2- Children’s Theatre Carnival Organized in Kolkata

Dramebaazi Season 2- Children’s Theatre Carnival Organized in Kolkata

Dramebaazi Season 2- Children’s Theatre Carnival Organized in Kolkata


Dramebaazi Season 2 – Children’s Theatre Carnival was a unique day-long event, organised by The Creative Arts (TCA) in association with The Indian Council for Cutural Relations (ICCR) at the ICCR complex.


Curated by Ramanjit Kaur and Baisali Chatterjee Dutt, it was a multi-arts workshop oriented Carnival aimed to give children the opportunity to learn from master artistes.


The Carnival saw representation of about a dozen schools from Kolkata and a participation of more than 800 children. The venue wore a Carnival look with eye-catching décor and display. There were numerous stalls offering a variety of food items and interesting products for children, while the galleries, seminar rooms and the foyer throbbed with workshop activities.

The Carnival was divided into two segments.

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