Drone Bhujang- Made In India Product With Superb Features

DroneAcharya Aerial Innovations Limited, India’s first Drone company to go public, has launched BHUJANG (Battlefield Hybrid UAV for Joint Attack, Navigation and Guarding).
This drone has a heavy lift-off, reaches extremely high altitudes, and has a great range. The drone, which can soar to a maximum altitude of 6,300 meters, is India’s first super high altitude multirotor multi-role drone. It can soar to an astounding 1,500 meters above ground level from a takeoff point that is 4,800 meters high.
It is also the first drone in South Asia with integrated surveillance, transport, and warfare capabilities.
Prateek Srivastava, Founder and Managing Director of DroneAcharya Aerial Innovations shared some insights after successful tests with the Indian Army.
He said “BHUJANG is proud of its ergonomic innovation, sophisticated optoelectronic system, and various payload dropping mechanisms with auto trigger capabilities. Because of its additional layer of security and encryption at the firmware level, along with its multi-payload, multi-application capabilities at high altitudes, this airborne platform has the potential to revolutionize defense and military applications. It has a sensor suite with cutting-edge algorithms and an encrypted communication system with flight computation of negative altitude calculations”.
This product is Made in India. It includes innovation in the propulsion system, material structure and strength, and chip-level integration.
BHUJANG has been introduced as a result of extensive research, several test flights in adverse conditions, and coordination with the Indian Army. This product is far superior in terms of price, equipment manufacturing capabilities, and aircraft reliability with a fail-proof system.
Priyanka Dutta