Dubbed Version of Barrister Babu For Colors Bangla Audience From 14th September

Colors Bangla will be airing Barrister Babu for the Bengali audiences in a dubbed version.
The story is about Bondita, who with the help of her companion Anirudh finds her purpose, and becomes a ‘Barrister Babu’. In an era, when women were not even allowed to have a voice, an 8-year-old innocently questions the deep-rooted prejudices and biases which crippled them.
Aura Bhatnagar plays the role of little Bondita and Pravisht Mishra will be seen playing the role of Anirudh. It also stars Arina Dey who has been roped in to play Sumati, Bondita’s caring yet docile mother.
Watch the inspiring story of Bondita in Barrister Babu from 14th September at 7 pm only on COLORS Bangla!!