Entertainment Industry Positive Even During The Pandemic

Entertainment Industry Positive Even During The Pandemic

Entertainment Industry Positive Even During The Pandemic


The film shootings have stopped for over four months and the entertainment industry is reeling hard to survive.

The topic for the second day of the virtual meet of JIS Educational group was “Culture and Covid-19: Its Struggle and Impact” which was chaired by eminent actor Biplab Daspupta. National award-winning director Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury, eminent actor, singer and director Anindya Chatterjee, and veteran actor & author Barun Chanda were present in the panel to discuss how Covid-19 has affected the Entertainment industry.

Barun Chanda highlighted the fact that since this is a new situation and nobody knows how to deal with this properly. Instead of throwing light on the negatives, we must all try to make the most of the time that we have got due to Covid-19.

Anindya Chatterjee has been trying to reinvent his creative spurges with the free time that he has got on his hands.


Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury said that due to this pandemic, people have again resumed the power to think, which was lost in the fast world we were living in. People have again become engaged in their hobbies and are taking part in adda sessions with their friends.

The discussion moved on to the future of theatre. Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury mentioned that if the content is good, then the platform will not matter for the theatre. It will achieve the same level of success had it been shown on the stage or on YouTube channels.

To sum up, the speakers asked the people to be positive during these trying times.

Priyanka Dutta

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