Exhibition on Coronavirus on Display at Science City, Kolkata

Science City, Kolkata (National Council of Science Museums), Govt. of India has launched an awareness initiative on the novel Coronavirus, the menace currently being felt by humans all over the world. As a part of its endeavour in disseminating scientific information among the general public, this exhibition portrays the genesis of the disease, its current scenario in different parts of the world, preventive measures ought to be taken up at individual level.
Developed in an interactive mode, this exhibition was inaugurated by Dr. Bikas C. Sanyal, Ph.D, D.Sc. (Hon.), Former Adviser, UNESCO, Director of India House at the Dynamotion Hall of Science City in presence of school children, subject experts and other dignitaries. On this occasion, Dr. Sanyal had an interactive session with children from different parts of Bengal making them aware of this disease.
The exhibition will remain on display till March 08, 2020.