Felicitation Of Jain Students Of Class X and XII By JITO Kolkata

JITO Kolkata Chapter organized a grand event at Kolkata at G D Birla Sabhagar for felicitating, guiding, and encouraging class X and XII students of the Jain Community. The event was organized by the JITO Kolkata Chapter.
This enormous gathering of outstanding minds and deserving kids who received 80% or higher on the ICSE/CBSE/Madhyamik/International Board in class X or the ISC/CBSE/Higher Secondary/International Board in class XII was the goal of this event.
Former IPS Officer and Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry Kiran Bedi joined us virtually.
These occasions offer a great setting for these intelligent students to socialize, share ideas, and encourage healthy competition. Additionally, it encourages other kids who want to achieve comparable academic distinction. These gatherings frequently feature lectures, workshops, panel discussions, and other events that support the attendees’ general development and improvement.
JITO shows its dedication to advancing education and honoring exceptional academic accomplishments by putting on this massive event. It fosters the development of a talented population of people who can encourage and assist one another on their paths to higher learning and successful careers.