Food Tech India 2019 Inaugurated; Dairy and Ice-Cream Expo Organized For The First Time

“Food Tech India 2019: Bakery Tech & Hotel Tech” International Exhibition was inaugurated at the Science City Exhibition Complex in Kolkata. The Mega Exhibition was held till November 17, 2019. More than 150 companies and top brands from India and abroad representing the food processing and packaging, confectionery, bakery, dairy, hotel and allied services sectors participated in the exhibition.
For the first time Food Tech India 2019 for the first time organized a Dairy & Ice-Cream Expo at the Exhibition. This benefited nearly 4000 small ice-cream manufacturers of West Bengal, especially in the rural areas. They were provided with the latest affordable technology, ingredients, flavourings and packaging for manufacturing ice-creams.
Top representatives from West Bengal Bakery Association, Hotel and Restaurant Association of Eastern India and Paschimbanga Mistanna Byabsayee Samiti were present at the inaugural function.
The Mega Exhibition showcased under one roof the latest products and services cutting across hotel, confectionery, equipment, catering equipment, tableware, food packaging technology, food flavours and additives, industrial refrigeration, hotel and food chain consumables and Bengali sweet and snacks. Various seminars and discussions on Bakery & Confectionery Industry, Culinary Industry, Sweets and Snacks Industry were conducted during the three-day exhibition.