Gorge on Delicious Food and Celebrate Kali Puja and Bhai Phonta at Chilekotha

After Durga Puja, Kali Puja and Bhai Phonta is just around the corner. And for Bengalis, no occasion is complete without good food. To cater to this need of the Bengalis, Chilekotha has come up with some amazing mouth watering dishes for this festive season.
Sumptuous Thalis have been specially prepared for the festival.
For Bhai Phonta they have come up with a special celebration package at only Rs. 299/- which will include a plate full of different varieties of sweets specially prepared for the occasion accompanied by paddy grain, Dubba, an oil lamp and sandalwood which are necessary for the ceremony. Hence by pre-booking the package one can celebrate the ceremony in Chilekotha while indulging in their sumptuous delicacies.
Bhai Phonta special thalis, which will be available from 25th October 2019 to 31st October 2019 are priced from Rs. 450/- to Rs. 920/-.
The Premium thali includes lip-smacking dishes like Mutton Chop, Lonka Bhape Murgi, Macher Dimer Bora, Kancha Lanka Dhone Patar Aloor Dom, Sorshe Ilish, Mutton Kosha, etc.
The standard thali includes Goalondo steamer chicken curry, Pabdar Jhol, etc. along with other items.
They have also prepared a veg thali for the ones who would want to opt for veg dishes. This Veg Thali includes Chanar Guli Polao, Chanar Kalia, Thakurbarir Niramish Fulkopi, etc.
The sweet dishes on offer include “Saatpuri”, which is originally from Medinipur, Baked Patisapta and others.
Head to Chilekotha and gorge on delicious dishes during Kali Puja and Bhai Phonta!!