Grand Finale of iGlam Rubaru Mr and Miss India Organized in Kolkata

iGlam held their Grand Finale of the First Edition of Mr. and Miss. India in Kolkata at The Golden Tulip. The occasion witnessed the presence of Sharbari Dutta, Sandeep Kumar, President and Founder, Rubaru Group, Ddevjani Mitra, MD I-Glam East India Director Rubaru Group, along with Burzin Bharucha, Mumbai Socialite, Parul Sehgal Gulati State Director, Kolkata, iGlam and others.
Rubaru from time to time has always been dedicated to serve the society in some way or the other. This time they wanted to highlight and dedicate itself to the cause ‘Save Girl Child’.
Rubaru Mr. and Miss India is a platform which gives an impetus to the fresh budding talent, exposure to a wider audience besides providing them with more opportunities to grow and earn well.
60 contestants participated in the Kolkata auditions. Rubaru Mr. and Miss India selected a total of number of 4 contestants each from Kolkata who was given the title of Iglam Rubaru Miss India Face of West Bengal 1st Runner up, Iglam Rubaru Miss India Face of West Bengal 2nd Runner up, I glam Miss West Bengal and Iglam Mr West Bengal.
Rubaru Mr. India will be hosting their final round of auditions in Mumbai in April 2020 and Miss India finale will be held in Delhi in March 2020.
The winners were:
Aishika Shakhari- Iglam Rubaru Miss India Face of West Bengal 1st Runner up.
Sonalica Panja-Iglam Rubaru Miss India Face of West Bengal 2nd Runner up.
Sonalika Sinha -Iglam Miss West Bengal.
Tanmoy Das-Iglam Mr West Bengal.